Meditations Live With Ocha


This program is on hold until later in 2025. A new regular program is being offered soon so keep in touch.

Receive Meditations To ~

Lift Your Spirit and Feel Happier
Ground and Stabilise Your Energy
Regenerate Your Physical Body
Soften Inside to Let More Love In

Online Every Second Thursday evening
Next One: On hold until further notice
You can register for just one meditation or for more if you wish

Come and join us every second week for a 1 hour meditation that is given via Zoom. Ocha will channel messages, sacred mantra, energy transmissions and light infusions from the Earth Mother and her Ancient Ones, Guardians and Caretakers and the Family of Light to uplift your spirit and boost your energy. This attunes you to the higher bandwidth of your own higher nature so that it is more accessible to you in your daily life. It is the great gift of these Earth and Star emissaries who only see you in your perfection, and they offer this from the healing temples of light inside the Earth Portals (sacred sites) all around the world.
Each week will be different depending on what is needed on the day. All you need to do is to sit and receive.
An audio recording is sent to you after each livestream meditation.
You can also browse the
Audio Shop and download any of the other meditations that you would like to receive.



This was so amazing for me! I felt like I was being held, and about 15 minutes in there was a profound wave of emotion, so cleansing. I'm still thinking about, and processing it😳❤️‍🩹💓🙏🙏. A million thanks to you, Ocha for your healing powers.

I felt so much lightness, harmony in my body and my mind after. When I woke up, I felt like if I was on a cloud with angel energy!!! It was very powerful!!! Thanks again!

Thank you for the beautiful program, this Deep Violet Flame Cleanse was very powerful program! I slept before the program and another 3 hrs after the program.

Thank you for this meditation. I wrote another song after this - I always write, but I'm loving the space it creates for me.

Thankyou for joining me Ocha. Your Meditations are so healing and relevant to the times.

I felt last nights meditation very deeply and powerfully throughout my energy bodies. Today the deeply relaxed, open blissful state continues, a watchful Present silence and stillness through which the creative and doing energy can flow.

Thank you for a deeply relaxing and profound meditation. I definitely feel the need to just be rather than do and yes to become more creative🥰

That was a wonderful meditation to help navigate through job and relationship being authentic and trying to find and voice solutions/ synchronicity.

Lovely meditation …, interesting at times my heart felt “warm” inside my chest….Not been aware of that before … have felt my heart “turn around with a shell covering it” usually when I have felt very threatened emotionally.
so this is a very positive change❤️❤️💕💕