From Edginess to Happiness

It is easy to feel edgy about life at times, and we think we know what it is all about, yet the real cause can be that we have closed a part of ourself to our light and the great love that truly defines us. The things or other people that are "wrong" in our life, on the other hand, do not define us, that's for sure, but they are so compelling sometimes that we believe they do. Although our collective and personal worlds are being turned upside down as all that we know and is familiar to us is changing, like the shifting sands of the Sahara in the wind, the one constant we can rely on is the light of our heart. Stepping into this light is like Dr Who stepping into his little phone box; it opens you to a whole universe once inside. Our heart accesses the vast worlds and realms of our higher nature, including those of the Mother Earth, for we are a part of her and her great systems of Love, Light and Creation. Our heart is the gateway into what truly defines us, and it is not until we take the time to step into this sacred space that the Big Reveal takes place. And as we draw from this source pool, like a camel drawing water, that edgy feeling about our life and those things that seem wrong in it suddenly metamorphose to a happy place of self realisation and higher perspective. So so liberating. It is SO GOOD to take back the power we have given away to our fears and turn it into gold. This cartoon below shows you what I mean. Let's give that to ourselves now.

Ocha Sheehan