A new perspective for the most fractious


There is always the potential for a sudden flash of new understanding between adversaries that illuminates and liberates when we have faith in this. And there is always a new perspective birthing from an old one that is so liberating and often occurs spontaneously in the moment. We just need to be willing to open to this potential knowing that there is always a higher view of any situation and we are worthy of seeing it and being it. We are worthy of being free of the old vista to experience the new one. This moves us forward into the flow of grace again and is life enhancing and uniting in its effect.

A good example is a long standing clash about something between old workmates, friends or partners. Know that there is always the potential for a completely new understanding about this, even after years of misunderstanding, that sheds the light on the issue and creates a whole new way of relating to unfold. How can this possibly happen?

Remember the energy and consciousness of the Earth Mother is always upgrading and this flows on to all life, including humanity, to help this shift to occur. Our own body is also a walking conductor and transducer of energy and so we are constantly recalibrating and upgrading too. And when we take the time to work with our energy and consciousness in a proactive way, this upgrading increases exponentially, liberating the mind and lighting up our life.

Apply this from the individual to a whole country and imagine with me the laying down of arms en masse and the picking up of a whole new life to be shared together. Let's hold that vision.

Ocha Sheehan