Your Wholeness and Holiness ~ The Way of Return - MP3 Download - 58 mins

Your Wholeness and Holiness ~ The Way of Return - MP3 Download - 58 mins


Many emissaries of the Mother Earth step forward to assist you to connect to the heart of Gaia through her magnetic field and the sacred sound of the Inner Earth rising up to meet you. They guide you to connect to the heart of all life and the heart beat of every animal and an animal steps forward to gift you something special. The star mothers-fathers then connect you to the heart of every celestial body to bless your mind, and in this way, you are shown Wholeness through the Oneness, and the Wholeness of You. Your heart flame then attunes you to your Holiness that is your True Nature, and the strength and gifts this gives you to lay down the arms of separation and hold this as the higher truth of life for all beings on Earth.

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